
… and interesting facts

De Muller, pontifical suppliers

Although the Vatican has decided to suppress the qualification, for a very long time De Muller had owned the title of pontifical suppliers which was granted by all Popers, from Pius X to John XXIII.

De Muller, royal house suppliers

In July 1904, during his visit to De Muller, Alfonso XIII granted the company the honour to be Suppliers of the Royal House; as well as the privilege to use the coat of the royal arms on invoices and labels.

Visit of the representative of the pope, Tedeschini, to our installations in Tarragona

In 1942, De Muller had the pleasure to welcome Tedeschini, the Pope Representative, who celebrated a mass in the cellar where the mass wine barrels were stocked. As a symbol of gratitude, De Muller elaborated a Solera wine which nowadays is still elaborated.

Posterior renewal of Mas de Valls

Since 1851 De Muller cellars were located in Tarragona. In 1997 they were moved to Mas de Valls, in Reus.

The renovation of that house took seven years and some elements of the cellar were used for the purpose.

The oak wood of the old barrels was used to make the floor, ancient doors, sinks, etc… Many elements were used for the house decoration.

Transfer of 55000L hundred-years-old barrels capacity

The transfer of huge old barrels, the second half of the nineteenth century and capacity 55000l , proved an entire epic; had to be moved without dismantling as there was no specialist who dared to do it. After a complicated transport from Tarragona to Reus; finally they were placed at its current location having to complete construction of the industrial unit later.

Mas de Valls history. Declared traditional Masia Catalana

Mas de Valls, one of the two Masias Catalanas declared in Reus, is located in the property Porpres, a little south of the crossroads between the paths Pedra Estela and Font de Carbonell.
It is believed that an ancient roman site was stood at the place of Mas de Valls. This belief is due to the fact that some graves were found along the way; in those days it is known that dead people were buried outside of the village. A stone indicating a grave is called “Pedra Estela”, which explains the origin or the name.

Signs that Colon lived in Mas de Valls

It is said that Cristobal Colon came from the Colom family, which is known as a typical Catalan name. There’s evidence that the family Colom were part of the people who owned Mas de Valls for generations.
This fact is pointed out in the studies achieved by Miguel Valls, a word belonging to the manuscripts that are in the Masia, and also have been published.

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