Moscatel Rancio Solera 1926
The singularity of this wine comes from the extraordinary Moscatel grape and it possibilities for premium aged wines.
Moscatel rancio 1926 portraits a sublime perfume that finds equilibrium with a delicate texture, transporting the person who is tas- ting to a journey of sensations
The wine is made in the “solera” system that combines equal parts of barrels from several ages in the same batch, being in this case 1926 the oldest portion that leads the solera in this oxidative process.
Where it is made
Technical data
100% Moscatel of Alexandria
Amber colour with orange reflections
Aromas of very ripe tropical fruits and dried white flowers.
Sweet wine of a silky texture that showcases a vibrant acidity that keeps it alive even after all those years
Storage temperature less than 25 °CBest Served between 14° C - 16°C